6 Reasons You Should Love Eurovision

For over 60 years, Eurovision has been a cultural staple of Europe (and beyond). Obviously, the EBU is doing something right, because year after year, the popularity grows, especially (and somewhat surprisingly) in countries that don’t even compete in the contest. You’re not convinced by the flamboyancy that is Eurovision? Well here are 6 reasons why you should love Eurovision.

 1. Eurovision is essentially the history of Europe

It might be strange to think that a song contest could be the history of Europe, but if we cross over a European history book, and a Eurovision history book, you’ll find some uncanny correlations. This is not a coincidence. For those who have watched ‘The Secret History of Eurovision,’ you’ll remember the documentary recounting not only the correlation between European history and Eurovision history, but the importance of Eurovision in the technological and cultural development of Europe. As mentioned above, Eurovision really is a staple of European culture – it has become so ingrained into the culture that it’s hard to comprehend a year without Eurovision, and here at Eurovision Union, we wouldn’t survive without it!

You haven’t seen the Secret History of Eurovision?! Why not?!

 2. Eurovision has created a global community

With the introduction of the internet, the Eurovision community grew exponentially. It allowed fans from across the world to come together to discuss all things Eurovision. Coming from all parts of the world, the internet is our central meeting place, and we can see that through the amount of Eurovision websites – which are all run by passionate Eurovision fans, along with Facebook groups and so on. Sometimes, the passion might create tension (let’s remember the Ruth Lorenzo vs Brequette death match, it wasn’t pretty), however all in all, we just want our favourite artists to represent our favourite countries, and that’s ok.

Ruth attempting to silence Brequette fans
Ruth attempting to silence Brequette fans

Another side effect of having such a huge global following is how many friends you make. Even though you might not know them in real life, a Eurovision friend is a friend for life. It’s so easy to connect with other Eurovision fans, as you share such a strong passion for the contest. It’s great to discuss national finals, or rankings, and share new music and news with each other.

tina Karol
How to make friends in the Eurovision world…

3. There’s constantly something to be entertained by

Before you ask, ‘isn’t Eurovision only on once a year?’ let me assure you, there is always something going on in the Eurovision world. First of all, there is the national final season spanning from September to Mid-March, so you can indulge in some top notch entertainment from a range of countries across Europe – it’s like a bunch of mini Eurovision’s! After the EBU submission deadline has passed, its then time for revamps and rehearsals, which again, is an incredibly entertaining and important time in the process, as it allows fans to interact with the artists, comment on their performances and get a sneak peek into what the artists are planning for the live performances! Then, ACTUAL Eurovision happens – and I don’t think I need to explain this.

Now don’t fret, it’s not over yet – the winner is decided but by no means is the process over. The planning begins for the following year – crazy I know, but that’s just a part of Eurovision! If that’s not enough for you, you can also enjoy Junior Eurovision, which is conveniently on when the adult Eurovision season is a bit slow, so you’re always getting your Eurovision fix!

Me?! I'm going to Eurovision? But it's months away!
Me?! I’m going to Eurovision? But it’s months away!

 4. Important life lessons can be learnt from Eurovision

Real talk: Eurovision demonstrates acceptance and tolerance of others. There are so many different interpretations of culture, language, sexuality, and performance that you learn to accept that everyone is different, and every expresses these things in different ways.

Dressing up is mandatory
Dressing up is mandatory

Eurovision is such an education in culture, politics, society, language and so much more. I will always maintain that there is no place for backward ideologies in Eurovision, as it is a place of experimentation and acceptance. If you want to sing in a made up language – go ahead. If you want to ‘dance dance like a maniac’ – do it. If you want to wear a dress even though you have a beard – be my guest. No judgement here.

The modern symbol of acceptance
The modern symbol of acceptance

 5. It is a treasure chest of new music

If you’re the type of person who loves updating their music devices constantly, Eurovision is for you. With national finals from over half of the participating countries, there are so many options. Not only are there thousands of songs to listen to, but there are so many different and innovative musical styles to look into. If you ever feel a desire to listen to folk-rock, or popera (pop and opera, of course), then Eurovision will satisfy those needs. Admittedly, there are so many songs you might never want to listen to again, but if you’re willing to search through, you are guaranteed to find a gem or two, or many!

Popera on stilts? Eurovision really does have it all
Popera on stilts? Eurovision really does have it all

 6.There is nothing else quite like it

Eurovision is one of a kind. It has now surpassed 60 years of broadcasting Eurovision, and so the contest has had ample time to develop and modernise to create the most appealing format. Sure, talent contests and reality tv are regularly on our tv screens, but none are like Eurovision. The international nature and grandeur of the contest differentiates Eurovision from its reality talent counterparts, meaning that Eurovision doesn’t really have any direct competitors. Only international sporting events produce such large audiences, so for a singing contest, Eurovision must be ticking many boxes!

All in all, where else would you find charismatic characters like Verka Serduchka, or Dustin the turkey, or the Russian grannies?

No douze points for you!
No douze points for you!

Why do you love Eurovision? Share your stories and opinions below!